Training Types in ECE-TRIS

Did you know there are now 26 training types that trainers can choose from when setting up trainings in ECE-TRIS? Selecting the appropriate training type(s) will help learners to find your training and can also allow your training to be considered for incentive programs such as badging.  

The ECE-TRIS’ trainer type definition sheet can be found here:

In some cases, multiple training types can be selected. For example, a training type of infant/toddler and CCCC/CDA could be selected if appropriate. Some trainer types require a Training of the Trainer or other certifications. 

Note that for your training to count for the Infant-Toddler or School-age badging, you must specify the specific age in the training type:  

  • Infant/Toddler training type for Infant/Toddler badge trainings 
  • School Age (5-12 years) training type for School Age badge trainings 

Do you have questions about training types? Contact your Regional Training Coach.  

