Northern Bluegrass Welcomes New Training Coach!

A big welcome to our new Training Coach in the Northern Bluegrass Region, Sharon Norris.

Sharon has over twenty years of early childhood experience with teaching, administrative, and coaching roles. She has worked in a variety of high-quality early-childhood settings, including faith-based, Head Start, and publicly funded, most recently serving as Child Care Aware Quality Coach. Sharon has supported diverse groups of children, families, and staff, including at-risk children, English Language Learners, children with disabilities, and both new and experienced staff. Prior to moving into early childhood, Sharon worked as a consumer products Marketing Director, with responsibility for brand strategy, project management, new product development and team supervision.

Sharon is a credentialed trainer. She has a B.S. in Early Childhood from the University of Cincinnati, a B.S. in Management from Purdue, and a Masters in Management from Northwestern University. Sharon is an active volunteer, including regularly teaching adult learners as a Stephen Ministry Leader at her church. Sharon loves hiking, reading, and great coffee, and is a passionate hockey fan. She is looking forward to supporting the training community! Here is her contact information:; 859-815-7622.

