Training Skills

Top Three “Training” Skills

What does it take to be a successful Trainer? Many skills are required but three of the best skills are:

1. Communication Skills: To be an effective Trainer, you must be able to communicate, well. Your handouts and powerpoints should be able to communicate the concept you are trying to teach. You, as the trainer, should be able to verbalize your thoughts. You should also be able to “see” what the reaction is of the participants in your training is. Do they seem to be bored? Are they truly “getting it”? Do you need to spend more time on a topic or move on? Trainers should also listen to what the participants are saying. Part of communication is listening (and possibly the most important part). Be able to explain and question the topic of the training effectively.

2. Organizational Skills: Be prepared. Have your training plan and your training materials ready in advance. Use a training plan to help you stay on track with time. Plan well.

3. Adaptability Skills: Rarely does anything go as planned. Be prepared to shift your plan quickly, if needed. Think of things that could possibly happen and do everything within your power to plan for them, be prepared and carry on. Things happen, be ready.

As we have already learned, practice makes perfect. All of these skills should get better and better with each training.

